Ask Your Pharmacist About The Warning Signs Of Diabetes

Hello, this is Finny Joseph, your Pharmacist at Josefs Pharmacy.  Did you know that an estimated 30 million people in the US have been diagnosed with diabetes; many are our family, friends and neighbors. That’s about 1 out of every 11 people or over 9% of the population. What you may not know is that all people with diabetes have a higher risk for eye disease.  1 out of 4 people don’t even know they have diabetes. We are shining a light on this lifetime disease by informing you about the symptoms and warning signs of diabetes.

The warning signs for diabetes are often missed because they can be mild. Some don’t discover the disease until it has caused long-term damage.  Common symptoms and warning signs of diabetes include:

  • Frequent urination
  • Increased thirst
  • Increased hunger despite regular meals
  • Extreme fatigue or tiredness
  • Blurry vision
  • Headaches
  • Cuts and/or bruises that are slow to heal
  • Weight loss despite regular meals

Early detection and treatment is key.  Research shows you can lower your risk 58% by losing 7% of your body weight and exercising moderately (e.g. a brisk walk) for 30 minutes a day, five days a week.

If you have questions or want a free diabetes consultation, please call us to schedule an appointment or stop by and see us. We can inform you about the risk, warning signs and way to prevent the onset of this disease. We look forward to helping you.

Stay healthy and happy this winter!

What You Need To Know About The 2016 Influenza Season

  • It takes abouflu shots 2t two weeks after vaccination for antibodies to develop in the body and provide protection against the flu.
  • Flu activity most commonly peaks in the United States between December and February.
  • CDC recommends yearly flu vaccines for everyone 6 months of age and older as the first and most important step in protecting against this serious disease.
  • Talk to the pharmacist about the immunizations available to you.  919-212-2555


The Facts about Good Mental Health

The term “mental health” encompasses our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. Included are our abilities to handle stress, interact with others, and make decisions. Mental health problems can affect your thinking, mood, and behavior.

There are several factors that contribute to mental health problems:

  • Genes
  • Brain chemistry
  • Life experiences, such as trauma and abuse
  • Family history of mental health issues

Many people suffering from mental health problems completely recover with treatment. There are many early warning signs, including eating or sleeping too much or too little, being reclusive, having low energy levels, feeling like nothing matters, feeling helpless, substance abuse, and severe mood swings. Contact your physician if you believe you or someone else displays these warning signs. Help is available for mental health problems.


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The health-related information and linkages to other sites on the Josefs Pharmacy website is meant for basic informational purposes only. Josefs Pharmacy website is NOT designed or intended to provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, treatment, services, or substitute for a doctor’s appointment or medical care. Due to the ever changing nature of medical information, information on this site or linkages to other sites should NOT be considered current or exhaustive or be relied on for any recommendation.  Josefs Pharmacy does not recommend or endorse any products or services or information provided on linked websites.  The linked websites may have graphics or content you find offensive: Josefs Pharmacy, its affiliates, and vendors, have no control over such content and accept no responsibility for such materials.  Josefs Pharmacy is NOT liable for any advice, information, products, or services you obtain through this site.

Users of this website are advised to consult with their physician before making any decisions concerning their health. IF YOU BELIEVE YOU HAVE A MEDICAL EMERGENCY, YOU SHOULD IMMEDIATELY CALL 911 OR YOUR PHYSICIAN

Cholesterol 101

You may hear a lot about the dangers of cholesterol and the health risks high cholesterol can cause. It may surprise you to know that cholesterol is one of the substances the body produces and needs to stay healthy. So why is everyone so concerned about it?

Cholesterol is a waxy substance that your body produces and that you ingest through food. Your body, mainly the liver, produces all the cholesterol you need, but gets more from the meat, poultry, and full-fat dairy products you eat. Additionally, your liver produces more cholesterol when your diet is high in saturated and trans fats.

The danger is that excess cholesterol can form plaque between layers of artery walls, making it difficult for the heart to circulate blood. In some cases, plaque can break open and lead to blood clots, which can cause strokes and heart attacks depending on if and where the clot blocks blood flow.

What you need to know is that there are two types of cholesterol, one that is “good” and one that is “bad”. Too much of one type or a deficiency of the other can put you at risk for coronary heart disease, heart attack, or stroke. The key to prevention is knowing the levels of cholesterol in your blood. Talk to your physician about your cholesterol and work with him/her to find the best plan to keep you healthy. The easiest steps you can take are maintaining a healthy diet and exercising frequently.



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The health-related information and linkages to other sites on the Josefs Pharmacy website is meant for basic informational purposes only. Josefs Pharmacy website is NOT designed or intended to provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, treatment, services, or substitute for a doctor’s appointment or medical care. Due to the ever changing nature of medical information, information on this site or linkages to other sites should NOT be considered current or exhaustive or be relied on for any recommendation.  Josefs Pharmacy does not recommend or endorse any products or services or information provided on linked websites.  The linked websites may have graphics or content you find offensive: Josefs Pharmacy, its affiliates, and vendors, have no control over such content and accept no responsibility for such materials.  Josefs Pharmacy is NOT liable for any advice, information, products, or services you obtain through this site.

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Let’s Talk About Aging and Sleep

September is National Healthy Aging Month, in addition to serving several other nationally recognized health awareness causes, as well. Part of every person’s general health is getting adequate sleep. Clear signs of inconsistent sleep include irritability, inattentiveness, and increased chance for accidents.

There are two types of sleep: non-rapid eye movement (NREM sleep) and rapid eye movement (REM sleep). When falling asleep, we first go through the four stages of NREM sleep, ranging from light to deep sleep. After completing the fourth stage, one enters REM sleep, when dreaming often occurs. The name “rapid eye movement” describes the back and forth motion of the eyes under the eyelids during this stage of sleep. Muscles also become immobile in REM sleep. We cycle through the stages of NREM and REM sleep approximately every 90 minutes throughout the night.

Sleep needs and patterns change with age. For instance, children and adolescents need more sleep than do adults. Older adults need seven to nine hours per night, the same amount of sleep young adults require. Many older adults report difficulties falling asleep. Additionally, older adults tend to sleep less soundly and wake up more frequently throughout the night than do younger adults. The body’s regulation of sleep also changes with age, as older adults tend to be sleepier earlier in the evening and wake earlier in the morning.

Several potential causes could explain these changes. Older adults may produce more melatonin, the hormone responsible for controlling sleep. They may also have increased sensitivity to changes in their environment, such as to noise and temperature. If you have trouble sleeping, see your doctor or a sleep specialist. Despite the fact that the ways in which our bodies sleep change with age, all age groups should be getting adequate sleep. Age does not diminish the quality of your sleep.


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The health-related information and linkages to other sites on the Josefs Pharmacy website is meant for basic informational purposes only. Josefs Pharmacy website is NOT designed or intended to provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, treatment, services, or substitute for a doctor’s appointment or medical care. Due to the ever changing nature of medical information, information on this site or linkages to other sites should NOT be considered current or exhaustive or be relied on for any recommendation.  Josefs Pharmacy does not recommend or endorse any products or services or information provided on linked websites.  The linked websites may have graphics or content you find offensive: Josefs Pharmacy, its affiliates, and vendors, have no control over such content and accept no responsibility for such materials.  Josefs Pharmacy is NOT liable for any advice, information, products, or services you obtain through this site.

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Summer Cold or Seasonal Allergies?

It is typical for people to associate the winter months with catching the common cold. However, summer presents many conditions and situations that make it easy to catch a cold virus. The symptoms such as sneezing, sniffling, and fatigue are all the more frustrating during the summer months, when people would prefer to be outside enjoying the warm weather. We have some tips for avoiding summertime sickness.

Catching a cold virus in the summer is made easier by the fact that people tend to be more active this time of year, especially out in the heat. Possible fatigue and dehydration resulting from this activity can weaken the immune system and make symptoms of a cold worse. Additionally, travel is much more common in the summer. Travel on airplanes can expose people to the cold virus as they fly with hundreds of others who could be sources of the virus.

However, many are prone to seasonal allergies in the summer and may mistake allergy symptoms for a cold. There are two easy ways to tell the difference. First, a cold’s symptoms typically appear one at a time and last around ten days. Allergy symptoms typically manifest all at once. Second, while both produce nasal discharge, a cold will produce yellow discharge and allergies usually produce clear, watery discharge. As always, if you have questions about your symptoms or are concerned about them, consult your physician.

The treatment for the summer cold is the same as for a winter cold. Despite the fact that people want to return to their summer activities as quickly as possible, it is recommended that you rest as much as possible. Additionally, be sure to drink plenty of fluids. For any questions or for other treatment considerations, contact your physician.



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The health-related information and linkages to other sites on the Josefs Pharmacy website is meant for basic informational purposes only. Josefs Pharmacy website is NOT designed or intended to provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, treatment, services, or substitute for a doctor’s appointment or medical care. Due to the ever changing nature of medical information, information on this site or linkages to other sites should NOT be considered current or exhaustive or be relied on for any recommendation.  Josefs Pharmacy does not recommend or endorse any products or services or information provided on linked websites.  The linked websites may have graphics or content you find offensive: Josefs Pharmacy, its affiliates, and vendors, have no control over such content and accept no responsibility for such materials.  Josefs Pharmacy is NOT liable for any advice, information, products, or services you obtain through this site.

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Tips for Healthy Eyes

Vision is something that may be easy to forget about when there isn’t a problem. The eyes are a very important part of the body for daily life, so it is important to know how to keep them healthy. Here are some helpful tips for keeping your vision safe.


  1. Get regular eye exams. Many people who say their eyesight is the sense they value most don’t think about preventative care and haven’t been to the eye doctor in three years. Unfortunately, many eye diseases can abruptly result in vision loss, so it is always best to get regular check-ups to ensure no diseases are present in your eyes. Adults over 40 need to have yearly eye exams to prevent age-related conditions that cause eyesight to deteriorate. Children need their first eye exam between six and twelve months of age.
  2. Let your eye doctor know your health history. Many conditions such as hypertension, blood pressure, and diabetes can affect eyesight. Alert your doctor to your health history so they can better identify, treat, or prevent any damage to the eyes as a result of other conditions.
  3. Control air quality in the home and office. Winter leads to home and office heating systems creating dry air that can cause strain on your eyes. Consider getting a portable humidifier to prevent irritation and dry eyes.
  4. Have a medical kit in your home and include saline solution. When doing anything that involves chemicals, dust, or other airborne particles, wear safety goggles. If you accidentally splash soap in your eye at home, rinse thoroughly with saline for 10 to 15 minutes. Rinsing is the best way to clear the eyes. See a doctor if any irritation persists or if you believe your sight is in danger.
  5. If you wear contacts, replace the case. One main reason people experience issues with their eyes is because they don’t maintain their contacts properly. If you have lenses, store the case in a dry space that isn’t a breeding ground for bacteria. Completely rinse and dry the case before storing the lenses in it each time. Replace the case after no more than two months.
  6. Drink a little caffeine… only a little. Two servings of caffeinated beverage each day can help protect against dry eyes. However, more than two can deplete the tear film in your eyes and cause dryness and irritation.
  7. Regularly eat leafy greens, dark berries, and fish. Eating carrots does NOT improve your vision (even though they can’t hurt). Spinach, kale, and Brussels sprouts, dark berries such as blueberries and blackberries, and foods rich in omega-3s can reduce inflammation in the blood vessels in the eye. Berries also contain lutein, which protects against the destructive eye condition macular degeneration, the leading cause of vision loss for people over the age of 60. Include these foods in your diet to help keep your eyes healthy.


Contact your physician or eye care professional with any questions you have about eye health. Vision is a vital part of life for most people. Protect it by taking a few easy steps.



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The health-related information and linkages to other sites on the Josefs Pharmacy website is meant for basic informational purposes only. Josefs Pharmacy website is NOT designed or intended to provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, treatment, services, or substitute for a doctor’s appointment or medical care. Due to the ever changing nature of medical information, information on this site or linkages to other sites should NOT be considered current or exhaustive or be relied on for any recommendation.  Josefs Pharmacy does not recommend or endorse any products or services or information provided on linked websites.  The linked websites may have graphics or content you find offensive: Josefs Pharmacy, its affiliates, and vendors, have no control over such content and accept no responsibility for such materials.  Josefs Pharmacy is NOT liable for any advice, information, products, or services you obtain through this site.

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Summertime Stings

Summer is a time of year when people enjoy being outside. Whether you spend time having picnics, mowing the lawn, or walking through your neighborhood, summer is a favorite season for fun in the sun. A common health hazard that few think of, however, is the bug bite or sting. For most people a bee, hornet, or wasp sting is just painful, but three in 100 people have allergic reactions to insect stings. Often, people with allergies don’t know they have them until the sting occurs. In many cases, these allergies can be life-threatening.

There are some simple steps to keeping insects away. First, avoid wearing heavy perfumes or colognes, wear light colors and avoid floral patterns (both dark colors and florals attract stinging insects), and be sure to guard your sugary drinks like soda. For most people, a sting will cause pain and swelling of the affected site. See a doctor or the ER immediately if you have:

  • Hives, itchiness, or swelling over large sections of your body.
  • Tightness in your chest or trouble breathing.
  • Swelling of your tongue or face.
  • Dizziness or the feeling you will pass out.

Being outside in the summer can be a lot of fun, so don’t let insects get in your way. Just know how to deal with a sting. See your physician if you have any questions about a big bite or sting.


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The health-related information and linkages to other sites on the Josefs Pharmacy website is meant for basic informational purposes only. Josefs Pharmacy website is NOT designed or intended to provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, treatment, services, or substitute for a doctor’s appointment or medical care. Due to the ever changing nature of medical information, information on this site or linkages to other sites should NOT be considered current or exhaustive or be relied on for any recommendation.  Josefs Pharmacy does not recommend or endorse any products or services or information provided on linked websites.  The linked websites may have graphics or content you find offensive: Josefs Pharmacy, its affiliates, and vendors, have no control over such content and accept no responsibility for such materials.  Josefs Pharmacy is NOT liable for any advice, information, products, or services you obtain through this site.

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Beat the Heat: Some Tips about Heat Exhaustion

Summer brings hot temperatures that can cause trouble for anyone outside for long periods of time. Heat exhaustion is a common illness that many experience each summer. There are two types of heat exhaustion.

– The first, called water depletion, is a case of severe dehydration. Symptoms include excessive thirst, weakness, headache, and loss of consciousness.

– The second type is salt depletion, which has symptoms of nausea, muscle cramps, and dizziness.

Heat exhaustion is not as bad as heat stroke, but it can lead to heat stroke. If you or someone you are with shows symptoms of heat exhaustion, get out of the heat and cool down in an air-conditioned room. If you can’t go inside somewhere, find the nearest shady spot. Drink some cool fluids, remove any tight-fitting clothing, and use ice towels to lower your body temperature. To prevent heat exhaustion, it is recommended that you drink plenty of fluid, avoid caffeine and alcohol before being in the sun, wear loose clothing that breathes, and use fans or ice towels to keep yourself cool. If you have heat exhaustion and can’t cool down after 15 minutes of being inside, seek emergency medical help to prevent heat stroke. After you recover from heat exhaustion, your body will be more sensitive to high temperatures for about a week, so be careful when going back outside in the heat. Contact your doctor with any questions you have about ways to beat the heat.



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The health-related information and linkages to other sites on the Josefs Pharmacy website is meant for basic informational purposes only. Josefs Pharmacy website is NOT designed or intended to provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, treatment, services, or substitute for a doctor’s appointment or medical care. Due to the ever changing nature of medical information, information on this site or linkages to other sites should NOT be considered current or exhaustive or be relied on for any recommendation.  Josefs Pharmacy does not recommend or endorse any products or services or information provided on linked websites.  The linked websites may have graphics or content you find offensive: Josefs Pharmacy, its affiliates, and vendors, have no control over such content and accept no responsibility for such materials.  Josefs Pharmacy is NOT liable for any advice, information, products, or services you obtain through this site.

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July – Sun Safety Month

With summer in full swing, be sure you protect yourself, and everyone you know. One in five Americans will develop skin cancer in the course of a lifetime. There is more you can do than just applying sunscreen.

Slip on a shirt, slop on some sunscreen, slap on a hat, seek shade or bring an umbrella, slide on some stunning shades. Always keep sun protection handy- keep it in your car, your bag, or even your child’s backpack. You ARE a role model for your children and grandchildren.

Unprotected skin can be damaged by the sun’s UV rays in as little as 15 minutes. Tanned skin is damaged skin. A sunburn or even a suntan indicates damage from UV rays. Even if the weather is cool and cloudy, children still need protection. UV rays, not the temperature, do the damage.

Remember that if you must be outdoors, seek shade under a tree, an umbrella, or a pop-up tent. Wear protective clothing when possible, and always keep a wide-brimmed hat on hand. Sport those stylish sunglasses and look for those that block 100% of both UVA and UVB rays. When choosing a sun block, choose at least SPF 15 with UVA/UVB protection. Do not forget to address the ears, nose, lips and tops of feet – common areas that are often overlooked and unprotected. Reapply sunblock after a few hours and especially after you swim or exercise.

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The health-related information and linkages to other sites on the Josefs Pharmacy website is meant for basic informational purposes only. Josefs Pharmacy website is NOT designed or intended to provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, treatment, services, or substitute for a doctor’s appointment or medical care. Due to the ever changing nature of medical information, information on this site or linkages to other sites should NOT be considered current or exhaustive or be relied on for any recommendation.  Josefs Pharmacy does not recommend or endorse any products or services or information provided on linked websites.  The linked websites may have graphics or content you find offensive: Josefs Pharmacy, its affiliates, and vendors, have no control over such content and accept no responsibility for such materials.  Josefs Pharmacy is NOT liable for any advice, information, products, or services you obtain through this site.

Users of this website are advised to consult with their physician before making any decisions concerning their health. IF YOU BELIEVE YOU HAVE A MEDICAL EMERGENCY, YOU SHOULD IMMEDIATELY CALL 911 OR YOUR PHYSICIAN

If you have any questions about sun safety, please feel free to email or contact us at the Pharmacy

What is a Headache?

Headache Awareness Month is almost over. For our final post of the month, let’s take a look at what headaches actually are and how they occur. Headaches result from signals between the brain, blood vessels, and nerves. Some headache sufferers believe their pain comes from the brain, but it actually comes from the nerves in the skull, blood vessels, and head muscles. The reasons for these nerves to cause pain are not understood, but when they do we experience headaches.

People see doctors for headache treatment more than any other source of pain. Around 45 million Americans suffer from them. Most sufferers experience tension headaches or migraines. Luckily, doctors can successfully treat 85% of headaches.

There are common causes of head pain, including stress, pollution, noise, poor lighting, changes in the weather, and odors. What you eat may also cause headaches, especially alcohol, caffeine, chocolate, and foods with nitrates and MSG.

If you have a headache that needs treatment, contact your doctor. They can help you find the cause of your pain, takes steps to prevent future headaches, and make sure your pain is not a sign of something serious.

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The health-related information and linkages to other sites on the Josefs Pharmacy website is meant for basic informational purposes only. Josefs Pharmacy website is NOT designed or intended to provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, treatment, services, or substitute for a doctor’s appointment or medical care. Due to the ever changing nature of medical information, information on this site or linkages to other sites should NOT be considered current or exhaustive or be relied on for any recommendation.  Josefs Pharmacy does not recommend or endorse any products or services or information provided on linked websites.  The linked websites may have graphics or content you find offensive: Josefs Pharmacy, its affiliates, and vendors, have no control over such content and accept no responsibility for such materials.  Josefs Pharmacy is NOT liable for any advice, information, products, or services you obtain through this site.

Users of this website are advised to consult with their physician before making any decisions concerning their health. IF YOU BELIEVE YOU HAVE A MEDICAL EMERGENCY, YOU SHOULD IMMEDIATELY CALL 911 OR YOUR PHYSICIAN

Types of Headaches

June is headache awareness month, so here are helpful facts about some of the different types of headaches.

  1. Cluster headaches. These headaches happen repeatedly over a period of time, called the “cluster period.” Typically, people who experience this type will have pain at the same time each year, such as in spring or fall. The cluster period usually lasts between two weeks and three months. They often occur at night. They can be more painful than migraines, but typically are shorter than migraines.
  2. Ocular migraines. These are very rare headaches. It is estimated that these headaches affect one in every 200 people who experience migraines. Ocular migraines can cause loss of vision for short periods of time. A doctor can diagnose these, and they are very often caused by other conditions.
  3. Sinus headaches. Your sinuses are spaces in your forehead. They drain through the nose. Due to allergies, tumors, or infections, the sinuses can become inflamed and swell, which causes more mucus to build and the nasal passages to be blocked. Sometimes, this can cause pain that feels like a headache. Treatment for these headaches depends on the cause. See your doctor with questions.
  4. Tension headaches. This is the most common type of headache. A tension headache causes pain in a band-like pattern across the forehead. They can last from 30 minutes to a few days. Typically, the more often they occur, the worse they are. Sleep deprivation, anxiety, hunger, emotional/mental stress, and depression are all common causes of tension headaches.

As always, see your doctor if you have questions about headaches. If you have a headache that worries you or that you think need treatment, see your doctor immediately.


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The health-related information and linkages to other sites on the Josefs Pharmacy website is meant for basic informational purposes only. Josefs Pharmacy website is NOT designed or intended to provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, treatment, services, or substitute for a doctor’s appointment or medical care. Due to the ever changing nature of medical information, information on this site or linkages to other sites should NOT be considered current or exhaustive or be relied on for any recommendation.  Josefs Pharmacy does not recommend or endorse any products or services or information provided on linked websites.  The linked websites may have graphics or content you find offensive: Josefs Pharmacy, its affiliates, and vendors, have no control over such content and accept no responsibility for such materials.  Josefs Pharmacy is NOT liable for any advice, information, products, or services you obtain through this site.

Users of this website are advised to consult with their physician before making any decisions concerning their health. IF YOU BELIEVE YOU HAVE A MEDICAL EMERGENCY, YOU SHOULD IMMEDIATELY CALL 911 OR YOUR PHYSICIAN

Health Tips for Men

Wednesday, June 10th begins National Men’s Health Week 2015. In honor of this special week, the Center for Disease Control has created a list of basic tips for men to stay healthy. To celebrate Men’s Health Week, try some of these helpful hints for feeling well!

  1. Keep a regular sleep schedule. Many people do not get enough hours of sleep. Lack of sleep is associated with several chronic diseases and conditions, such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity, and depression. Running on too few hours of sleep is also responsible for motor vehicle accidents and work-related accidents. The average adult needs seven to nine hours of sleep.
  2. No tobacco. Saying no to tobacco has many health benefits, such as lowering risk of heart disease, cancer, lung disease, and other illnesses. Do your best to avoid secondhand smoke, when others around you are smoking.
  3. Get some exercise. The average adult needs at least 2.5 hours of moderate exercise per week. Also, include exercises that work the muscles in your legs, hips, abdomen, back, and arms on at least two days a week. It is best not to have one large workout session in a week, but to have more than one.
  4. Have a healthy diet. Your body needs fruits and vegetables. They are your best source of vitamins and minerals. Do not eat a lot of sugar, salt, far, and high calorie foods. Having a healthy diet lowers your risk of chronic diseases.
  5. Keep track of your health and talk to your doctor. Regular doctor checkups are very important. Some illnesses do not have symptoms, but a doctor can tell you if you have them. Always look for signs and symptoms you can If anything worries you, talk to your doctor as quickly as possible. Keep track of your blood pressure, cholesterol, body mass index (BMI), and any other numbers your doctor tells you to watch. Ask your doctor if there are any vaccinations you need.


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The health-related information and linkages to other sites on the Josefs Pharmacy website is meant for basic informational purposes only. Josefs Pharmacy website is NOT designed or intended to provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, treatment, services, or substitute for a doctor’s appointment or medical care. Due to the ever changing nature of medical information, information on this site or linkages to other sites should NOT be considered current or exhaustive or be relied on for any recommendation.  Josefs Pharmacy does not recommend or endorse any products or services or information provided on linked websites.  The linked websites may have graphics or content you find offensive: Josefs Pharmacy, its affiliates, and vendors, have no control over such content and accept no responsibility for such materials.  Josefs Pharmacy is NOT liable for any advice, information, products, or services you obtain through this site.

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Help for Headaches

The best way to treat chronic headaches and migraines is to know about why they happen and what to do when your head hurts. In honor of June, which is Headache Awareness Month, here are some tips on managing headaches.

See a doctor or emergency department immediately if…

  1. You have the worst headache or migraine you can remember.
  2. You also have loss of vision, loss of consciousness, vomiting, or other symptoms with a headache.
  3. Your headache lasts more than 72 hours without at least a four-hour period of relief while you are awake. Time when you are asleep does not count toward the four hours.
  4. Your headache or migraine leads to unusual symptoms that you have never felt before or that worry you.

Schedule a doctor’s appointment about your headache if you have any concerns. Do not be afraid to get a physician’s opinion, even if you don’t want to go to the trouble of visiting the doctor only to learn that nothing is wrong. When you talk to your doctor about your headache, be open and let them know what you are worried about. Do not be afraid to seek help.

Some tools for headache management:

  1. Keep headache diaries to log when you have a headache and for how long each lasts. Bring this to your doctor, as it is great information that they can use to help you.
  2. Avoid dietary triggers. Keep a log of food you eat before a headache or migraine attack and bring this log with you to the doctor. They can help determine if you need to remove certain foods from your diet to prevent head pain.
  3. Ask your physician about other methods of managing headaches. Your doctor is there to help you, and can provide further information about reducing headaches and migraines.




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The health-related information and linkages to other sites on the Josefs Pharmacy website is meant for basic informational purposes only. Josefs Pharmacy website is NOT designed or intended to provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, treatment, services, or substitute for a doctor’s appointment or medical care. Due to the ever changing nature of medical information, information on this site or linkages to other sites should NOT be considered current or exhaustive or be relied on for any recommendation.  Josefs Pharmacy does not recommend or endorse any products or services or information provided on linked websites.  The linked websites may have graphics or content you find offensive: Josefs Pharmacy, its affiliates, and vendors, have no control over such content and accept no responsibility for such materials.  Josefs Pharmacy is NOT liable for any advice, information, products, or services you obtain through this site.

Users of this website are advised to consult with their physician before making any decisions concerning their health. IF YOU BELIEVE YOU HAVE A MEDICAL EMERGENCY, YOU SHOULD IMMEDIATELY CALL 911 OR YOUR PHYSICIAN

Josef’s Pharmacy Launches Newly Designed Website for Our Raleigh Pharmacy

Our team is excited to announce the launch of our newly redesigned website for our Raleigh Pharmacy. Our new site was built by TheeDesign Studio, a full service web design and internet marketing company in Raleigh, North Carolina. The new website is built on WordPress, a very user-friendly content management system. It allows our team to easily add and update content, image and video. It also allows us to add new pages and blog posts at any time without a developer’s help.

Here are some of our favorite features on our new website:

WordPress Website with Custom Design and User Friendly Interface

At Josef’s Pharmacy, we found the WordPress platform to be intuitive and user friendly, making our new site very easily manageable. Our homepage, company information, patient resources, providers and contact information pages are presented clearly for our visitors for easy navigation. Aside from the ease of the front end layout, WordPress features a back end that is just as user friendly. Within just one hour of training, TheeDesign Studio taught our team how to update content, post blog entries, upload videos and photos, and manage the online forms.

Responsive Web Design for User-Friendly Viewing on Mobile and Tablet Devices

The responsive design is an exciting and modern new feature to our redesigned website to help us maximize our client reach. Responsive web design allows our site to respond and adapt according to the orientation of our visitor’s screen size and resolution. This means that now, our visitors can view our website on various mobile platforms, such as smartphones or tablets, which allows easier and remote access to our website and company information!

Prescription Refill Request Form for Maximum Patient Efficiency

Our Refill Prescription form allows us to serve our customers with efficiency and ease. Patients are able to contact our pharmacy and request a prescription refill just by filling out the form on the Patients page. By saving time and simplifying office processes, the refill form acts as one of the more advantageous features on our new website.

Sleek FAQ Page for Patient Resources

Our newly designed website features a sleek and clear FAQ page, allowing our team to answer some of the most commonly asked questions by patients. Having the questions and answers available to clients right on the website is convenient, while providing our visitors with a reliable source of information. The questions page is easy and simple to update. We’re proud of our new site! We encourage you to browse around to see it for yourself. Don’t forget to check out our blog where we’ll keep you up-to-date with the latest pharmaceutical news and procedures. Got a question, comment or message? Fill out our online contact form on our website and our staff will be back in touch with you shortly.

If you are interested in custom web design or internet marketing, please visit our friends at or call 919-341-8901.